Parishes of Mascouche
Saint-Henri Parish
Founding of the parish: 1750
Construction of the current church: 1885
Construction of the current presbytery: 1889
A little history
Founded in 1750 and located in the heart of Mascouche, Saint-Henri is the oldest parish in the Moulins region. The current church built in 1885 replaced a first building resulting from a chapel erected in 1751.
The cemetery, which was once near the church, has been moved to Chemin Saint-Henri. The entrance is located between 1198 and 1204, chemin Saint-Henri. Visit our cemetery on the Cimetières du Québec website . Consult this map to find out how to get there from the church.
Photo credit: Éric Généreux - 2014.
Click on the photos to see them in large format.

Le clocher et l'arrière du presbytère de Saint-Henri.

Une autre vue du clocher.

Le buste de Pierre Le Gardeur, Sieur de Repentigny.

Le clocher et l'arrière du presbytère de Saint-Henri.
Collaborators and organizations
Catechetical courses: Marina Boudreault - 450-474-2413
P'tite Pasto : Mégane Chartier 438-868-7096
Communion for the sick: Thérèse Hoyas - 450-474-2413
Cursillos : Francine Charest and Johanne Destrempes
La Relève : Isabelle Gauthier - 450-834-3835
Rcube : Contact tab on their website.
Scouts : Éric Lanctôt 438-884-7297
Al-Anon / Al-Ateen : 514-866-9803
Alcoholics Anonymous : 450-629-6635
Knights of Columbus : Bernard Gariépy, Grand Chevalier
Click on the underlined words to visit the websites of the organizations.
Come visit our shop in the presbytery offices . It is only open during office hours.